Mission, Vision & Values
Heartland AEA has a distinct mission and core values. Staff members strive every day to fulfill the Agency’s mission and make a difference in people’s lives. Heartland AEA also has four student achievement goals that drive its continuous improvement efforts.
Our Mission
To improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth by providing services and leadership in partnership with families, schools and communities.
Our Vision
To nurture learners, empower choice and enrich lives.
Our Values
Caring – Proactive – Collaborative
Our Beliefs
At Heartland AEA, we believe:
- Education is everyone’s responsibility.
- Learning impacts the quality of life people enjoy.
- An educated citizenry is essential for a civil, prosperous and democratic society.
Our Goals
Goal 1: Increase learning growth for students as measured by the number of districts/schools demonstrating growth in student performance.
Goal 2: Decrease gaps in achievement between students in underperforming groups and all students (underperforming groups include students with disabilities, English Language Learners, students living in poverty and all racial/ethnic groups).
Goal 3: Increase in annual graduation rates until all districts are at 100 percent.
Goal 4: Increase the core preparation rate of high school graduates until all students meet gateways for post-secondary education/career success.