
Heartland AEA assessment consultants help schools and districts assess that instructional practices and curriculum are working for students on the individual-, grade- and school-level.

Areas of Support

See the table below for Data & Assessment Services or open the document for further objectives and examples.

Data & Assessment Services

Service Area Service Objectives Examples
Application of Assessment to Systems-level Improvement
  • Collaborating with district and community leaders in developing and implementing assessment systems link to local standards and benchmarks for all students.
  • Clarify and find information about the ISASP
  • Support interpretation and application of the process for state accountability tests
Survey Development, Administration & Analysis
  • Framing appropriate question(s)
  • Translating questions to appropriate survey items/formats
  • Climate surveys
  • Bullying surveys
  • Co-teaching surveys
Analysis & Interpretation of Various Kinds of Data
  • Framing appropriate question(s)
  • Identifying possible data sources
  • Synthesizing data across data sources
  • Build an early warning system
  • Create Tableau dashboards for various kinds of data
  • Create Google displays
Professional Learning on Assessment & Data-related Issues
  • Purposes of assessment
  • Statistical literacy
  • Legal and ethical issues in assessment
  • Assessment modules to districts, statewide data system participation
Technical Assistance with Program Evaluation & Accountability Issues
  • Framing appropriate question(s)
  • Developing an appropriate methodology to answer the question(s)
  • Gathering and analyzing appropriate data
  • Assist in gathering data for program evaluation
  • Program evaluations


Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress


Email the Assessment Consultants group or contact a member of the team listed below when you have questions or need support regarding these service areas.

Important Contacts

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Jamie Punke

Jamie Punke

  • Assessment Consultant
Berrett Rice

Berrett Rice

  • Assessment Consultant
