English Learners
English Learners (ELs) are one of the fastest-growing populations in our schools. They comprise about six percent of the student population in Iowa schools and speak almost 140 languages. At Heartland AEA, we serve approximately 4,000 ELs who speak a variety of diverse home languages.
Program Overview
To meet the needs of our growing and diverse EL population, Heartland AEA strives to:
- Improve programming for ELs to support both the attainment of language proficiency and access to challenging state academic standards
- Provide EL-specific professional learning opportunities for educators of ELs
- Promote EL family and community engagement
Areas of Support
Our English Learner Consultant is responsible for assisting schools to improve Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEPs) for ELs. These staff:
- Help districts meet state and federal guidelines
- Provide consultation and professional learning for educators of ELs
- Host regular network meetings
- Help advise on mini-grant opportunities to meet school and district needs
For additional information, visit:
Download the Flyer
Differentiated Instruction & Assessment with Multilingual English Learners
Office Managers Workshop: Welcoming Multilingual Families
Problem-Solving with Multilingual English Learners: Language vs. Learning Difference
Important Contacts
Cindra Porter
- English Learner Consultant