Digital Learning Services


ISTE Coaching Standards



Change Agent

Digital Learning Consultants inspire educators and leaders to use technology to create equitable and ongoing access to high-quality learning. Facilitate access to reputable resources educators can use to enhance high-impact opportunities for all students.

Advance learning through consultation to connect learning standards to tools and strategies that help students master concepts.

Create and provide opportunities for educators to connect and access new information and innovative learning.


Connected Learner

Digital Learning Consultants model the ISTE Standards for Students and the ISTE Standards for Educators, and identify ways to improve their coaching practice. Pursue professional learning opportunities to deepen expertise in digital learning best practices, including methods to support the Universal Constructs, authentic learning and Universal Design for Learning.

Model and teach technology instructional strategies to support content areas, including literacy, math and SEBH.

Promote, demonstrate and coach implementation and integration of AEA Digital Resources.

Communicate up-to-date information and learning through various platforms including newsletters, website, email and social media.



Digital Learning Consultants establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes. Collaborate with LEA teams to support digital learning and instructional practices.

Coordinate with district coaches and administration to determine professional needs, supports, training and innovation.

Improve integration and instructional practices by collaborating for the Heart of Innovation Annual Summit and Micro-Summits for schools/districts.


Learning Designer

Digital Learning Consultants model and support educators to design learning experiences and environments to meet the needs and interests of all students. Explore, model and teach instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning. 

Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

Support diverse learners through design experiences with educators and by modeling technology tools and practices for equitable learning environments.


Professional Learning Facilitator

Digital Learning Consultants plan, provide and evaluate the impact of professional learning for educators and leaders to use technology to advance teaching and learning. Build the capacity of educators, leaders and instructional teams to put the ISTE Standards into practice through the development of meaningful and relevant courses and learning opportunities. 

  • Coordinate the Heart of Innovation Summit annually, including offering complimentary courses throughout the year.
  • Provide a set of standardized courses, cyclically, in order to meet the school-wide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning.
  • Create and maintain webinars, playlists and video repositories for effective teaching and learning with technology. 
  • Plan and facilitate professional learning for districts around technology tools and effective tech integration, including courses.

Offer targeted learning to individuals, grade-level teams, content-area teams and other committees as requested to use technology to advance teaching and learning.


Data-Driven Decision Maker

Digital Learning Consultants model and support the use of qualitative and quantitative data to inform their own instruction and professional learning. Partner with educators to empower students to use learning data to set their own goals and measure their progress.

Facilitate and consult with district/building teams for the development of technology plans.

Assist LEAs to create data-collection tools that reflect instructional practices, then collaborate to analyze the data. 

Coordinate with LEAs to create data visualizations for utilization to meet the desired outcomes.


Digital Citizen Advocate

Digital Learning Consultants model digital citizenship and support educators and students in recognizing the responsibilities and opportunities inherent in living in a digital world. Integrate and use technology to enhance Iowa Core 21st Century Skills.

Create, share and promote digital citizenship resources.

Inspire and encourage educators and students to use technology for civic engagement to address challenges to improve their communities.

Partner with educators, leaders, students and families to foster a culture of respectful online environments and a healthy balance in their use of technology.

Support educators and students to critically examine the sources of online media and identify underlying assumptions.

Offer support and promote awareness of data and student privacy laws, policy, and regulations, including:

  • Digital privacy, safety and security
  • State/Federal mandates to protect data & students – COPPA, FERPA, copyright

Digital Learning Services