Building Strong Brains

What is Building Strong Brains?

Building Strong Brains provides educators with awareness of brain-aligned, trauma-sensitive strategies for working with all students in Iowa’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports. This professional learning meets Iowa’s legislative requirements for training school staff on “Identification of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Strategies to Mitigate Toxic Stress Response.” 

Building Strong Brains Modules

Choose from any of the modules or select all four to access this learning opportunity in its entirety. This training is ideal for building staff or school teams.

Module 1: Brain Architecture

  • Youth development
  • Impact of stress
  • Resilience
  • Response to behaviors

Module 2: Understanding the Effects of Toxic Stress, Trauma & ACEs

  • Impact of trauma
  • Types of stress
  • Impact of ACEs
  • Trauma-sensitive culture

Module 3: Understanding the Effects of Supportive Relationships & Resiliency

  • Role of relationships
  • “Serve & return” 
  • Building resiliency
  • Buffering toxic stress

Module 4: Educator Self-Care as a Priority

  • Educator self-care
  • Impact on achievement
  • Individual actions
  • Systemic supports

Learning Characteristics


Develop awareness and context to navigate complex and difficult behaviors to support students in the classroom and school environments. 


Understand the negative impacts of trauma and stress on brain development and the positive impacts of relationships and resiliency.


Recognize the importance of educator and school system wellness as it relates to student/family engagement and student achievement.  


To schedule your district-based onsite training, contact the Heartland AEA Regional Director who serves your district.

Download the Flyer

Heartland AEA Building Strong Brains

Building Strong Brains