Ebooks & Audiobooks


Ebooks are available at any time—no checkouts and no wait-lists! Every student in a class can read the same ebook at the same time. The ebooks work on any desktop computer, laptop or mobile device. Students can access ebooks at school, home, the public library or any place with an Internet connection. Heartland AEA provides these ebook resources for students. Log in with the username and password assigned to your school.

Ebook Sites
BookFLIX Freedom FLIX MackinVIA Pebble Go
Pebble Go Next Science FLIX TrueFLIX

Ebook Benefits

  • Introduce new topics
  • Build background knowledge
  • Expand upon lessons
  • Teach vocabulary
  • Review essential skills and information
  • Practice research skills to find relevant information

Check Out These Ebook Reading Guides to Spark Students’ Imaginations!

Ebook screenshotOur ebook reading guides help increase engagement when students read at home. Guides include book covers so elementary and middle school students can browse titles and choose the ones that jump off the shelf!

Choose Your Adventure! (Elementary)
It’s a Mystery! (Elementary)
Graphic Novels (Middle School)
Sports and Recreation #1 (Middle School)
Sports and Recreation #2 (Middle School)

Download the fillable PDF or print a copy. Students can give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down as they read the books they’ve chosen. More than 2,000 tiles are available for each grade level and many of them have read-aloud features. Guides include a message to parents to talk with their child and review titles that are appropriate for their grade, reading and interest levels.

Important Contacts

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