Course Instructors

AEA Professional Learning Registration System      

First-time User?

Create an Account in identAEA

New Instructor? Start here…

Iowa’s AEAs are pleased to launch a new AEA Professional Learning Registration System that is more user-friendly, making it easier for busy educators to find, register, and pay for AEA professional learning courses. 

To get started, go to the Heartland AEA Professional Learning Registration System.

Step 1: Apply to Teach

Instructors’ credentials (vita) will need to be re-entered into the new system. Enter your credentials, using these instructions. Once you have entered your credentials, they will be reviewed by your AEA and if approved, you will become an instructor. 

Step 2: Propose a Course

Use this link for instructions on how to propose a course or workshop. If you would like to pre-plan your course, there is an option to use this course proposal template

Step 3: Adding a Session

Here are instructions on how to add a session.

Step 4: Approval Process

Courses will go through an approval process at your AEA, and you will receive an email with instructions and approval status. Once a course/workshop is approved, it will be set up and available for participants to register.

Instructor Guides


Instructor Resources

Instructor Pay Framework

Strategies and Tools for Group Processing Guide – includes the following topics of interest:

Iowa Professional Development Model

Iowa Core

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