Professional Learning Consultation
Program Overview
Heartland AEA consultants support students, educators and families by fostering an environment where we communicate, collaborate and evolve together. As a multidisciplinary team, consultants aim to improve outcomes for all learners by building strong relationships and making meaningful connections.
Consultants support school improvement through a robust MTSS framework including coaching and consultation related to needs assessment and planning for infrastructure including universal instruction and supplementation and intensive instruction to ensure improved outcomes for all students and families.
Areas of Support
Consultants provide a variety of support related to:
School Improvement
Curriculum Review
Content experts can assist with selecting high-quality instructional materials, implementation and sustainability supports.
Data Systems
We can provide support around a number of the data systems that Iowa educators use such as FASTBridge, Student Success (Panorama), EdInsight, Iowa School Performance Profiles, Student Outcomes, ELAA, DLM, Iowa Postsecondary Readiness Reports, Conditions for Learning, myIGDIs and ELPA21.
Early Warning Systems
Educational early warning systems (EWS) include academics, behavior and course performance and provide indicators to support early intervention. We provide support to work through data needed to support an EWS.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Technical Assistance
We provide packages of support to assist with the implementation of ESSA requirements.
Leadership Coaching
We provide coaching frameworks for developing leaders.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
We support schools in the implementation of an MTSS framework across content areas through a variety of services such as providing and/or supporting district personnel to design, deliver and evaluate professional learning opportunities; consulting with PLCs and teachers in data reviews and supporting the review of universal and targeted/intensive instructional practices.
Standards Work
We provide support in designing a standards-based learning framework including grading and reporting.
Data-Based Decision-Making
We provide support around data collection, analysis, interpretation, decision implementation and evaluation
School & Community Planning
Postsecondary Success
We provide support with District Career & Academic Plans (DCAP), Portrait of a Graduate, postsecondary data analysis, meaningful career conversations, work-based learning, authentic learning and Regional Planning Partnerships.
Career & Technical Education (CTE) & Perkins
School Counseling
We support school counselors through a number of professional learning opportunities.
We ensure that parents/guardians receive the annual competent private instruction notification from each district, provide special education services for students with an IEP and administer standardized testing services for homeschooled children.
Strategic Planning
We provide support with community needs assessments; creating a mission, vision, core values, goals, action plans and measures/metrics; School Improvement Advisory Committees (SIAC); District Leadership Teams (DLT) and Portrait of a Graduate.
Download the Flyer
Standards-based Learning Including Grading & Reporting
Supplemental & Intensive Supports
Important Contacts
Elizabeth Ahrens
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Kathy Bertsch
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/School Psychologist
Michael Boneshefski
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/School Psychologist
Kate Boonstra
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Lynn Bowen
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Pam Childers
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/School Psychologist
Kaylynne Christenson
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Christie Crouch
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/Social, Emotional & Behavioral Health Consultant/School Psychologist
Karla Day
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Angela Dvorak
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Melissa Emanoil
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Shannon Harken
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/Special Education Consultant
Brianne Johnson
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Justin Larson
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant/School Psychologist
Angie Lorenz
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant
Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee
- Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant