Math Instructional Practices

What is this?

Engaging in learning about the 8 Effective Teaching Practices for Mathematics ensures high-quality instruction that promotes deep mathematical understanding for all students. These practices, grounded in research, help create equitable and engaging learning environments where students develop critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning skills. By adopting these strategies, schools can enhance teacher effectiveness, support diverse learners and improve student outcomes in mathematics.

Learning related to effective teaching practices may include, but is not limited to, mathematical discourse, problem-based instruction, mathematical representations, number sense and fluency.

How can we support you?

As a result of engaging in learning about the math instructional practices with Heartland AEA math consultants, educators will:

  • Engage in learning that results in the practical application of the chosen practice in their classroom.
  • Create an implementation plan for their learning.
  • Build competence and confidence while implementing the learning with support and coaching.

Districts can customize professional learning and instructional strategies to align with their specific goals, resources and student needs, ensuring a focused and effective implementation process. We offer various delivery methods for this learning and support, including consultant-led book studies.

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Implementing Effective Math Teaching Practices

Math Book Study

Math Instructional Practices