Alternate Assessment

About Iowa Alternate Assessment

All students are expected to participate in district-wide assessments. Students with disabilities may participate without accommodations, with accommodations or through the state of Iowa Alternate Assessment. The individualized education plan (IEP) team considers the characteristics of the student and the nature and purpose of the assessment to determine the participation option that is most appropriate.

Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards are assessments used to evaluate the performance of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in grades K-11. These assessments promote fair measurement of student knowledge and assess educational performance in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, and for some students, Science. This process ensures that students with the most significant intellectual disabilities are fully included in Iowa’s accountability system and have access to challenging instruction, which is linked to grade-level state content standards. The Iowa Department of Education supports and requires two alternate assessments for eligible students.

Dynamic Learning Maps Aligned K-6 Early Literacy Alternate Assessment

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Aligned K-6 Early Literacy Alternate Assessment is for:

  • Students in grades K-6 who cannot participate in Chapter 62 early literacy universal screening assessment
  • The early literacy alternate assessment is the only assessment that meets the requirements as the alternate assessment for Chapter 62 screening and progress monitoring

Dynamic Learning Maps

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) is for:

  • Students in grades 3-11 and assesses English/language arts and mathematics
  • Students in grades 5, 8 and 10 and assesses science

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Important Contacts

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Martin Ikeda

Marty Ikeda

  • Regional Director (Alternate Assessment Lead)